
Welcome To Our Disclaimers Page! This Page Is Dedicated To Providing Important Legal Information And Disclaimers Regarding The Content, Services, And Usage Of Our Website.


Image Copyright Disclaimer

While every effort has been made to ensure that the images or multimedia used on this website and external social media linked with our website domain are either owned by us, used with permission, collected from our sellers, or obtained from sources that provide images with no known copyright restrictions, we acknowledge that there may be instances where copyrighted or patented material has been inadvertently included. If you believe that any images on this website infringe upon your copyright or patent rights, please contact us immediately with details, including identification of the specific image(s) in question and proof of ownership. We will promptly investigate the matter and take appropriate action, which may include providing proper attribution, obtaining permission, or removing the disputed content from the website. Your cooperation and understanding in resolving any potential copyright or patent issues are greatly appreciated.

  • Email: onmax99@gmail.com
  • Phone: +91-9653441757

We would like to inform our customers that some images used on this website may have been sourced from third-party sources, including online platforms and stock image libraries. While we strive to ensure that we have the appropriate rights or permissions to use these images, there may be instances where copyrighted material has been inadvertently included.

We want to reassure our customers that our primary intention is to enhance their browsing experience and provide visual representations of our products and services. If any customer believes that an image infringes upon their copyright or intellectual property rights, please contact us immediately with details, including the specific image(s) in question and proof of ownership.

We take copyright and intellectual property rights seriously and are committed to resolving any issues promptly and amicably. Your cooperation and understanding are greatly appreciated as we work to ensure the integrity of our website content.

  • Email: onmax99@gmail.com
  • Phone: +91-9653441757

Copyright Disclaimer

We strive to respect the intellectual property rights of others. However, despite our best efforts, it is possible that some images or content displayed on this website may inadvertently infringe upon the copyright or patent rights of others. If you are the rightful owner of any content used on this website without proper permission or authorization, please accept our sincere apologies.

We invite you to contact us immediately on our email Id: onmax99@gmail.com and Phone: 9653441757 so that we can address the situation accordingly. We are committed to promptly providing appropriate credits or removing the disputed content upon verification of ownership. Your cooperation in resolving any potential copyright or patent issues is greatly appreciated. Please reach out to us via [contact information] to discuss further.

  • Email: onmax99@gmail.com
  • Phone: +91-9653441757

Please read the following disclaimers carefully to understand your rights and obligations when accessing and using our website. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the disclaimers provided herein, feel free to contact us for further clarification. Thank you for visiting!”


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